
Volunteers donate precious time, skills, and expertise. You don’t need to be a trained professional to help - the desire to make a difference is all you need.
Although we are an animal center, all of our adoptable animals will stay in foster homes until the construction to expand the facility is complete. Hands-on volunteer opportunities with animals also include working with the public. Please read the volunteer descriptions below and learn how to get started as a Misty Eyes volunteer!
Please email Terry@mistyeyes.org for more information.
Current Openings
FOSTER HOMES. There is an urgent need for foster homes. Fosters provide love and comfort in a home-setting while Misty Eyes provides the rest. For pets awaiting adoption, foster families are the bridge between homeless and home. Please consider opening your heart and home to foster a pet in need. For more information, please email foster@mistyeyes.org.
COMMUNITY OUTREACH. This team helps raise awareness and attends community events. This team also works with the community and other nonprofits to give back. There is a little something for everyone. For more information, please email outreach@mistyeyes.org.
EVENTS TEAM. Help us plan events for Misty Eyes!
WELCOME DESK. Volunteer at our reception desk in the Adoption Center. Answer phones, greet visitors, assist Adoption Counselors, accept donations, process fees/purchases, misc. light clerical tasks, misc. cleaning tasks assigned.

Get Started!
The first step to become a volunteer is to fill out an online application.
Once we receive your application we will send you information about our new volunteer orientation.
If you are 15 years of age or younger and interested in volunteering, please consider our
Junior Volunteer Program. Details here.